IBU-Webi­nar: The Inter­na­tion­al Dimen­sion of EPDs – Valid­i­ty, Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion, Euro­pean Collaboration

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Webi­nar by Alexan­der Röder, IBU:

The Inter­na­tion­al Dimen­sion of EPDs – Valid­i­ty, Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion, Euro­pean Collaboration

In recent times, stake­hold­ers increas­ing­ly seek advice on top­ics regard­ing the inter­na­tion­al dimen­sion of EPDs: Are EPDs pub­lished with IBU rec­og­nized all over Europe and beyond? What addi­tion­al require­ments may apply in cer­tain coun­tries? What does mutu­al recog­ni­tion mean, and how does it relate to mul­ti­lat­er­al ini­tia­tives such as EcoPlat­form and InDa­ta? What is the rela­tion between EPDs and poten­tial require­ments to report envi­ron­men­tal indi­ca­tors under a new Con­struc­tion Prod­ucts Reg­u­la­tion? Dr. Alexan­der Röder (IBU) will give an overview over these top­ics and answer ques­tions from the audience.


Tar­get Group: Pro­fes­sion­als in mar­ket­ing, prod­uct mgmt etc. who want to learn more about valid­i­ty of EPDs, dif­fer­ences and com­mon aspects in dif­fer­ent EPD pro­grams, mutu­al recog­ni­tion and the col­lab­o­ra­tion of EPD pro­grammes at a Euro­pean level


Atten­tion: Webi­nar is in English

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