


Insti­tut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. makes the LCA-based data from the Envi­ron­men­tal Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tions (EPDs) for build­ing prod­ucts avail­able in dig­i­tal form as XML files on the basis of the ILCD for­mat for down­load­ing from IBU.data.

IBU there­by per­mits and pro­motes the use of EPD data for cal­cu­lat­ing com­po­nent and build­ing Life Cycle Assess­ments (LCAs) in soft­ware tools as well as the sub­se­quent assess­ment of envi­ron­men­tal impacts at build­ing lev­el from a sus­tain­abil­i­ty perspective.

I agree to the terms of use of IBU.data. For XML-Down­loads you must reg­is­ter first.

The use of IBU.data is free of charge.



What does it cost to use the data?2020–02-06T19:24:07+01:00

Use of the data offered on IBU.data is free of charge for end users for the pur­pose of infor­ma­tion and use for Build­ing LCAs. Click here for the terms of use. A sep­a­rate licence agree­ment is required for all oth­er types of use. Please con­tact info@ibu-epd.com for more information.


What is IBU.data?2024–07-24T17:15:56+02:00

IBU.data is a data base, pro­vid­ed by IBU con­tain­ing the LCA-based data from the EPDs of build­ing mate­r­i­al man­u­fac­tur­ers, digi­tised i.e. made avail­able to the pub­lic in machine-read­­able XML for­mat. This enables the appli­ca­tion for cal­cu­lat­ing build­ing LCA.

With IBU.data, the IBU offers con­sid­er­able added val­ue for users of EPDs:

  • The in-house data­base is accom­pa­nied by short pub­li­ca­tion cycles for new EPDs
  • The in-house oper­a­tion means that all IBU EPDs can be made avail­able digitally
  • Depen­dence on the spec­i­fi­ca­tions and require­ments of exter­nal data­base oper­a­tors is reduced

The basis is the con­cept of the INDa­ta work­ing group, a Euro­pean EPD net­work for set­ting up a data net­work of dig­i­tal EPD data in XML for­mat based on the ILCD (Inter­na­tion­al Life Cycle Dataset).

What EPD data can I find on IBU.data and how up to date is it?2017–05-24T17:42:21+02:00

IBU.data pub­lish­es all EPD data sets gen­er­at­ed and pub­lished at IBU using the EPD online tool. Thanks to its direct link to EPD-Online, IBU.data is always up to date.

How can I access the data from my soft­ware tool?2020–02-06T19:24:24+01:00

The gen­er­al pub­lic does not cur­rent­ly have access to the web­site. If you are inter­est­ed in access­ing IBU.data from a build­ing LCA tool via the online inter­face, please con­tact info@ibu-epd.com for more information.

Gen­er­al Terms of Use of IBU.data

With the IBU.data plat­form the Insti­tut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. makes avail­able a stan­dard­ised dig­i­tal data­base for the life-cycle assess­ment of struc­tures where­by build­ing mate­ri­als and build­ing com­po­nents are described with respect to their eco­log­i­cal impact. IBU.data pro­vides com­pa­ny- or asso­ci­a­tion-spe­cif­ic datasets from Envi­ron­men­tal Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tions (EPDs).
The datasets pub­lished in IBU.data can be viewed by the end user and may be down­loaded for the pur­pose of cal­cu­lat­ing build­ing life-cycle assess­ments after reg­is­ter­ing free of charge.  Any fur­ther com­mer­cial use of the data, in par­tic­u­lar cir­cu­lat­ing it to third par­ties, requires enter­ing into a licens­ing agreement.

By reg­is­ter­ing on IBU.data you accept these Terms of Use with­out restric­tion and reserve.

1. Infor­ma­tion on reg­is­ter­ing for the pur­pose of using the data­base content

 1.1 Use with­out Registration

In prin­ci­ple it is pos­si­ble to just view datasets pub­lished on IBU.data in html mode with­out reg­is­tra­tion.

1.2  Use with Required Registration

If data is to be down­loaded from IBU.data, reg­is­tra­tion on IBU.data is absolute­ly essen­tial for down­load­ing the data.

1.2.1 Reg­is­tra­tion, User Data

Only reg­is­tered users may down­load datasets for cal­cu­lat­ing build­ing life-style assess­ments from IBU.data. Reg­is­tra­tion is car­ried out via the IBU.data user reg­is­tra­tion screen. Dur­ing reg­is­tra­tion the user under­takes to the IBU to give truth­ful, exact, cur­rent and com­plete details on his iden­ti­ty, pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ty and con­tact details. The IBU must be noti­fied of any changes to the user data and the user account must be updat­ed accord­ing­ly.  For this pur­pose the user may make changes to his own data at any time. The user is informed that IBU may car­ry out a check of the details on the form.

1.2.2 User Account and Password

Reg­is­tered users under­take to cre­ate one account only. As part of the reg­is­tra­tion process, the user will be sent an acti­va­tion link for the account to the email address giv­en by him on reg­is­tra­tion. Access to the down­load area of the XML files will only be pos­si­ble when the user has com­plet­ed the whole acti­va­tion process stat­ed in the email.  The email address giv­en and the pass­word cho­sen by the user on reg­is­tra­tion enable access to the dataset down­load area. 

2. Avail­abil­i­ty, Updat­ing and Accu­ra­cy of IBU.data

The EPDs are prod­ucts of the IBU. Extracts from the EPDs are pub­lished in the IBU.data online data­base. The infor­ma­tion obtained is based on infor­ma­tion from the man­u­fac­tur­ers. In spite of con­sci­en­tious pro­cess­ing of the infor­ma­tion avail­able the IBU can­not assume any lia­bil­i­ty for the details being up to date and accu­rate nor for the eval­u­a­tion of the prod­ucts. The user of the EPDs, the processor/purchaser of the prod­ucts or the consultant/planner rec­om­mend­ing these prod­ucts is not absolved from the respon­si­bil­i­ty to test the intend­ed appli­ca­tion for himself.

The IBU enables the user to access its IBU.data data­base via the internet.

The IBU reserves the right to make mod­i­fi­ca­tions or addi­tions to the infor­ma­tion, data and lay­outs pro­vid­ed with­out notice.

The user has no enti­tle­ment to the avail­abil­i­ty of the domain or the cor­re­spond­ing serv­er. There­fore any lia­bil­i­ty of the IBU in this regard is exclud­ed. Fur­ther­more the IBU reserves the right to sus­pend or com­plete­ly ter­mi­nat­ed the oper­a­tion of the data­base and the domain at any time.

  • Trans­fer of Rights of Use
  • Right to Use Free of Charge

3. Using the data­base con­tent free of charge is the rule.

The IBU trans­fers to the user the sim­ple, non-exclu­sive, non-sub­li­cens­able right to use the data­base con­tent free of charge for his own use, which includes a read­out of the data via html. Only reg­is­tered users are enti­tled to down­load dig­i­tal datasets by means of indi­vid­ual request from the data­base for the pur­pose of cal­cu­lat­ing life-cycle assessments.

The con­tent of the online data must not be changed or imi­tat­ed. Nor may it be cir­cu­lat­ed to third par­ties or used com­mer­cial­ly.

3.1 Right to Use Free of Charge

If the user is seek­ing com­mer­cial use of the dig­i­talised datasets or to cir­cu­late them to third par­ties, this must be arranged with the IBU in advance and agreed separately.

By com­mer­cial is meant here a use that

  • con­sists in down­load­ing parts of the data­base or data­base con­tent as a whole for pur­pos­es oth­er from build­ing life-cycle assessments
  • is aimed at offer­ing the data­base con­tent of the IBU.data to third par­ties against pay­ment or free of charge via own tools.

The enti­tle­ment to use going beyond the com­mer­cial use of the data described under clause 3.1 is sub­ject to payment. 

4. Sus­pen­sion and ter­mi­na­tion of the user accounts

The IBU has the right to sus­pend the pro­vi­sion of IBU.data for indi­vid­ual users where the reg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dures breach these Terms of Use, as laid down under clause 5.

If the user has giv­en incor­rect, unspe­cif­ic, out­dat­ed or incom­plete details, the IBU has the right to block user account and to deny the user access to IBU.data in future. The same applies in the event that the user has vio­lat­ed applic­a­ble laws, in par­tic­u­lar crim­i­nal or copy­right laws or such that pro­tect the rights of third par­ties, or if his con­duct is dam­ag­ing to the inter­ests of the IBU or to a nat­ur­al per­son or legal enti­ty that is in a legal rela­tion­ship to the IBU.

If the user breach­es the pro­vi­sions of claus­es 3.1 and 3.2 of these Terms of Use, the IBU has like­wise the right to block the user account and to deny him access to the down­load area of the IBU.data in future. Fur­ther claims for dam­ages by the IBU remain unaf­fect­ed by this. 

The user has the right to access and cor­rect and is enti­tled and able to delete his user account him­self or to request from the IBU that this is done. For this he can write to the fol­low­ing email address: info@ibu-epd.com or to the fol­low­ing postal address: Insti­tut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Panora­mas­traße 1, 10178 Berlin.

5. Claims for Defects and Liability

5.1 Lia­bil­i­ty of the User

The mate­ri­als and soft­ware required to access the page and use the IBU.data data­base are charged exclu­sive­ly to the user. It is his respon­si­bil­i­ty to take all appro­pri­ate actions to pro­tect his own data, EDP sys­tems and/or soft­ware pro­grams from infec­tion by virus­es. The use of the infor­ma­tion, mes­sages or data of any kind com­mu­ni­cat­ed by the service are the sole respon­si­bil­i­ty of the user. Also deci­sions or actions that the lat­ter con­sid­ers or car­ries out because of the infor­ma­tion result in no fur­ther lia­bil­i­ty than that of the user.  The user bears the sole respon­si­bil­i­ty towards the IBU and, if applic­a­ble, towards third par­ties, for the use he makes of the page and the service as well as for all direct and indi­rect dam­age of any kind caused by a piece of infor­ma­tion or anoth­er con­tent element. 

5.2 Lia­bil­i­ty of the IBU

The IBU will take the usu­al care cor­re­spond­ing to the require­ments of a data­base oper­a­tor for updat­ing and care of the data­base con­tent, where­by the IBU is depen­dent on the sup­ply of data by third par­ties. The IBU makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions that the con­tent made avail­able with the prod­ucts and its selec­tion is cor­rect, up to date and com­plete. The user is him­self respon­si­ble for the cor­rect use of the data­base and a final check of the data and its evaluation.

In spite of a reg­u­lar data back­up by the IBU, data dropouts or even data loss­es may occur. The IBU accepts no lia­bil­i­ty for this.

The IBU is only liable under the statu­to­ry reg­u­la­tions for dam­age for injury to life, limb or health in the event of gross neg­li­gence by the IBU, a legal rep­re­sen­ta­tive or vic­ar­i­ous agent or for dam­age falling under a war­ran­ty or assur­ance giv­en by the IBU. In the case of slight neg­li­gence, the IBU is only liable for dam­age that is typ­i­cal of this type of con­tract and fore­see­able and only where a car­di­nal oblig­a­tion has been breached. Apart from that, lia­bil­i­ty for slight neg­li­gence is excluded.

The IBU is not liable for dam­age aris­ing from mal­func­tions on lines, servers and oth­er equip­ment that is not in the area of respon­si­bil­i­ty of the IBU. 

6. Copy­right

The data­bas­es to which the INU grants the user access are copy­right-pro­tect­ed. All rights are reserved to the provider. The con­sent to the present Terms of Use by the user is con­sid­ered at the same time as recog­ni­tion of the intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights. The user acquires a right of use only in the scope deter­mined under clause 3.

7. Pri­va­cy Policy

7.1 Per­son­al Data

The IBU takes the pro­tec­tion of your per­son­al data very seri­ous­ly. The per­son­al data of the user is stored by the IBU for pro­cess­ing as part of the use of the IBU.data data­base. All per­son­al data trans­mit­ted by the user dur­ing reg­is­tra­tion at IBU.data is col­lect­ed law­ful­ly and in good faith.  

7.2 Customer’s research requests and user pro­files are treat­ed in con­fi­dence by the provider.

8. Gov­ern­ing Law and Place of Jurisdiction

The legal rela­tion­ship between the IBU and the user of the data­base as well as all claims and legal dis­putes aris­ing from it are gov­erned sole­ly by the law of the Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Germany.

In the event that the user is a mer­chant, a cor­po­rate body under pub­lic law or a spe­cial fund under pub­lic law, the par­ties agree for all legal dis­putes from or based on these Terms of Use the com­pe­tent courts of the reg­is­tered office of the IBU as place of juris­dic­tion. This does not apply if an exclu­sive place of juris­dic­tion is laid down by law. Dif­fer­ing terms and con­di­tions do not apply — unless agreed in writ­ing by the parties.


The EPDs list­ed here are project-spe­cif­ic and intend­ed exclu­sive­ly for use in con­nec­tion with the respec­tive project.

Load­ing data…