How to create an EPD

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Find out in our webinar how to successfully create an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and which steps are necessary for this.

Marta Standio-Briasco, Senior Consultant in the Verification Body at IBU, will guide you through the session.

We will start with an introduction to the basics:

  • What are EPDs, why are they essential for the construction industry, and what are the requirements?
  • We will shed light on the creation process and the roles of the players involved – from manufacturers to consultants and verifiers.
  • Brief presentation of the EPD-Online platform, which supports you in the implementation and makes the process efficient.
  • In the interactive Q&A session, you will have the opportunity to clarify your individual questions and receive specific tips.

Further information:

  • The webinar language is German.
  • The webinar will not be recorded.
  • Participants will receive the presentation afterwards.

Participation is open to anyone who is interested and free of charge.

We look forward to your participation.

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