On 30.04.2024, the IBU pub­lished a new ver­sion of the PCR Part A (cal­cu­la­tion rules for the life cycle assess­ment and require­ments for the project report in accor­dance with EN 15804+A2:2019).

The most impor­tant new fea­tures of the updat­ed ver­sion of PCR Part A are clar­i­fi­ca­tions on the han­dling of renew­able ener­gies in the life cycle assess­ment for EPDs and the imple­men­ta­tion of the ECO Plat­form cal­cu­la­tion rules from Decem­ber 2023 (LCA Cal­cu­la­tion Rules and Spec­i­fi­ca­tions for EPDs Ver­sion 01) in the IBU pro­gram. In addi­tion, the require­ments of EN 15941 are now also integrated.

The new PCR Part A con­tains the cur­rent deci­sions of the IBU Advi­so­ry Board (SVR) as well as some clar­i­fi­ca­tions of fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions. The new ver­sion is now avail­able on the EPD plat­form (https://epd-online.com). The doc­u­ment is avail­able in Ger­man and English.

Please note the tran­si­tion periods!

The new PCR Part A will apply to new EPD projects from April 30, 2024. There is a tran­si­tion peri­od of six months (until Octo­ber 29, 2024) for EPD projects that are already start­ed but have not yet been sub­mit­ted for ver­i­fi­ca­tion. Projects that have already been sub­mit­ted for ver­i­fi­ca­tion will be ver­i­fied in accor­dance with the pre­vi­ous­ly valid PCR Part A rules.

Webi­nar for fur­ther explanation

The IBU is offer­ing a webi­nar on the new PCR Part A on 10.06.2024 at 10 a.m. The Chair­man of the IBU Advi­so­ry Board, Dr. Frank Wern­er, will explain the new fea­tures of PCR Part A. Webi­nar lan­guage is English.

The IBU is invit­ing all life cycle asses­sors and oth­er inter­est­ed par­ties involved in the prepa­ra­tion of EPDs to attend. Reg­is­tra­tion for the event is now pos­si­ble at: https://eveeno.com/102160258.