DIN EN ISO 14025 (often short­ened to ISO 14025) “Envi­ron­men­tal Trade­marks and Dec­la­ra­tions — Type III Envi­ron­men­tal Dec­la­ra­tions — Prin­ci­ples and Pro­ce­dures” is the basis for envi­ron­men­tal trade­marks in com­pli­ance with Type III. ISO 14025 reg­u­lates, among oth­er things, how Type III Envi­ron­men­tal Dec­la­ra­tions and Type III Envi­ron­men­tal Dec­la­ra­tion Pro­grammes are cre­at­ed and in par­tic­u­lar, spec­i­fies the appli­ca­tion of the DIN EN ISO 14040 series of stan­dards for their cre­ation. This enables com­par­isons between prod­ucts that have the same func­tion — on the basis of quan­ti­fied envi­ron­men­tal infor­ma­tion from the life cycle of a product.