The PCF — The added val­ue of ver­i­fied data

At a time when cred­i­ble sus­tain­abil­i­ty com­mu­ni­ca­tion is becom­ing increas­ing­ly impor­tant, the Prod­uct Car­bon Foot­print (PCF) offers a reli­able and trace­able method of com­mu­ni­cat­ing the car­bon foot­print of your products.

Derived from the already ver­i­fied Envi­ron­men­tal Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tions (EPDs) of the IBU, the PCF rep­re­sents the total green­house gas emis­sions in CO2 equiv­a­lents that occur dur­ing the life cycle of a product.

Advan­tages of the Prod­uct Car­bon Foodprint

  • Pre­cise data: Based on ver­i­fied EPD results accord­ing to EN 15804+A2 and com­pli­ant with ISO 14067:2018.

  • Inde­pen­dent­ly audit­ed: Val­ues ver­i­fied by third par­ties, high cred­i­bil­i­ty guaranteed.

  • Inex­pen­sive added val­ue: Use exist­ing EPD data to obtain PCF doc­u­ments at a favor­able price.

  • Sim­ple pre­sen­ta­tion: Clear val­ues and expla­na­tions make it eas­i­er to under­stand com­pared to the com­plex EPD.

  • Com­pre­hen­sive trans­paren­cy: Direct EPD ref­er­ence in the PCF draws atten­tion to your envi­ron­men­tal information.

  • Mar­ket­ing sup­port: Make tar­get­ed use of the PCF in sus­tain­abil­i­ty com­mu­ni­ca­tion for greater credibility.

Offer for EPD hold­ers at IBU

  • Service: IBU cre­ates the appro­pri­ate PCF for your EPD as a fin­ished PDF document.

  • Require­ments:
    — “Clas­sic” EPD in accor­dance with EN 15804+A2
    — Cre­at­ed, ver­i­fied and pub­lished via the EPD plat­form EPD-Online
    — Data sta­tus and basis are the respec­tive EPD and pub­li­ca­tion lan­guage (Ger­man or English).
  • Costs: 500,- Euro per PCF (net).

  • Order­ing process: Order your PCF doc­u­ment using the form, attach logo and prod­uct image to the EPD cov­er page.

  • Deliv­ery: You will receive the fin­ished PCF doc­u­ment as a PDF prompt­ly after ordering.

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Impor­tant to know

In order to be able to assess the envi­ron­men­tal impact of a prod­uct, it is impor­tant to con­sid­er all indi­ca­tors equally.

In an EPD, 31 manda­to­ry and 6 vol­un­tary indi­ca­tors are iden­ti­fied for the var­i­ous life cycle phas­es. There is no hier­ar­chy for the impor­tance of an indicator.

In a PCF, the fig­ures for one indi­ca­tor, the glob­al warm­ing poten­tial (GWP), are sum­ma­rized to enable sim­pli­fied com­mu­ni­ca­tion of this val­ue. How­ev­er, in order to make state­ments on the envi­ron­men­tal impact or sus­tain­abil­i­ty of a build­ing prod­uct, all indi­ca­tors and the use in the build­ing must be considered.

Com­pa­ra­bil­i­ty of indi­vid­ual val­ues at prod­uct lev­el on the basis of the EPD is gen­er­al­ly not expedient.

Why act now?

With the grow­ing demand for sus­tain­able solu­tions and the increas­ing impor­tance of ESG (Envi­ron­men­tal, Social, Gov­er­nance) cri­te­ria, com­pa­nies are increas­ing­ly faced with the chal­lenge of pro­vid­ing detailed envi­ron­men­tal infor­ma­tion and cred­i­bly demon­strat­ing to busi­ness part­ners that they are tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty. The risk of green­wash­ing is increas­ing, so reli­able and ver­i­fied data is essential.

With the Prod­uct Car­bon Foot­print from IBU, you are ide­al­ly posi­tioned to meet the demands of the mar­ket. With the PCF, you can pro­vide accu­rate and reli­able infor­ma­tion on the green­house gas emis­sions of your prod­ucts, as the data is based on the already inde­pen­dent­ly ver­i­fied EPD and there­fore meets the future require­ments for green claims.

Con­tact us and order your PCF document!

Don’t have an EPD for your prod­ucts yet? Here we explain how to cre­ate an EPD.