FORUM:BAU — The future of con­struc­tion: CO2-neu­tral, cir­cu­lar, digital

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The con­struc­tion indus­try plays a key role in com­bat­ing cli­mate change, as the cli­mate tran­si­tion is not least a con­struc­tion project: resource-effi­cient build­ings, sus­tain­able ener­gy gen­er­a­tion and future-proof infra­struc­ture must be built. At the same time, the con­struc­tion sec­tor itself is one of the largest pro­duc­ers of cli­mate-dam­ag­ing emis­sions and one of the largest con­sumers of nat­ur­al resources. The indus­try there­fore not only has a great respon­si­bil­i­ty, but also a great pow­er to shape the suc­cess of the cli­mate tran­si­tion — and a great need for change.

At FORUM:BAU, future shapers will come togeth­er to dis­cuss spe­cif­ic changes in the indus­try and their imple­men­ta­tion. Deci­sion-mak­ers from busi­ness, research, archi­tec­ture and pol­i­tics will devel­op inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the future of con­struc­tion along the themes of decar­boniza­tion, cir­cu­lar­i­ty and dig­i­tal­iza­tion. They share con­crete approach­es to real­iz­ing greater sus­tain­abil­i­ty in all project phas­es, from plan­ning and oper­a­tion to the reuse of build­ings. They are look­ing for for­ward-look­ing solu­tions for the increas­ing com­plex­i­ty in con­struc­tion, dis­cussing social needs and expec­ta­tions of con­struc­tion and address­ing the nec­es­sary polit­i­cal frame­work con­di­tions to enable an effi­cient cir­cu­lar econ­o­my in practice.

All of this can only be achieved togeth­er and requires con­struc­tive dis­course. This is why Hol­cim is offer­ing FORUM:BAU, an indus­try event for dia­log and net­work­ing — a must-attend event for any­one who wants to get to grips with the future of con­struc­tion and play an active role in shap­ing it. Of course, we will also be there with a pre­sen­ta­tion by Flo­ri­an Pronold.

Mem­bers of the IBU receive an exclu­sive 50% dis­count on the reg­u­lar tick­et price. If you are inter­est­ed, please con­tact us via