About ECO Platformblank

The ECO Platform is an umbrella organisation of various national EPD Programme Holders in Europe that advocates cross-border recognition of European Core EPDs according to EN 15804 and their implementation. The IBU is the initiator and founding member of the ECO Platform, which was founded in the summer of 2013.

On 16 October 2014, at the first official General Conference of the ECO Platform in Brussels, the launch of a new EPD label was announced. The EPD label symbolically represents common minimum standards regarding quality management and verification procedures developed by the ECO Platform. By now, more than a dozen EPD programem owners have been audited and approved with their EPD programmes. In addition, several building certification systems, life cycle assessment service providers and industry associations of the construction products industry are members and supporters.


The EPD label also stands for the particular quality of the verified life cycle assessment data – so that there will be a pool of European EPDs according to EN 15804. This agreement is the prerequisite for future cross-border recognition of EPDs within Europe.

In the course of announcing the introduction of the new EPD label, the first “ECO EPDs” were awarded to manufacturers and associations of the different programmes. Among them were several members of IBU.

In the future, every “ECO-EPD“ will be listed on the official website of the ECO Platform (www.eco-platform.org) if desired by the declaration owner.  “ECO Platform EPD EN 15804 VERIFIED™ is a trade mark registered by ECO Platform. The ECO Platform EPD logo will only be displayed in ECO Platform EPD documents together with the logo of the programme operator and the ECO Platform EPD reference number.”

News from the ECO Platform

The newsletters of ECO Platform can be found in their Archive.