IBU-Webi­nar: The Inter­na­tio­nal Dimen­si­on of EPDs – Vali­di­ty, Mutu­al Reco­gni­ti­on, Euro­pean Collaboration

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Webi­nar by Alex­an­der Röder, IBU:

The Inter­na­tio­nal Dimen­si­on of EPDs – Vali­di­ty, Mutu­al Reco­gni­ti­on, Euro­pean Collaboration

In recent times, sta­ke­hol­ders incre­a­singly seek advice on topics regar­ding the inter­na­tio­nal dimen­si­on of EPDs: Are EPDs publis­hed with IBU reco­gni­zed all over Euro­pe and bey­ond? What addi­tio­nal requi­re­ments may app­ly in cer­tain coun­tries? What does mutu­al reco­gni­ti­on mean, and how does it rela­te to mul­ti­la­te­ral initia­ti­ves such as Eco­Plat­form and InDa­ta? What is the rela­ti­on bet­ween EPDs and poten­ti­al requi­re­ments to report envi­ron­men­tal indi­ca­tors under a new Con­struc­tion Pro­ducts Regu­la­ti­on? Dr. Alex­an­der Röder (IBU) will give an over­view over the­se topics and ans­wer ques­ti­ons from the audience.


Ziel­grup­pe: Mit­ar­bei­ter in Mar­ke­ting, Pro­dukt­ma­nage­ment etc., die mehr über die Gül­tig­keit von EPDs, Unter­schie­de und Gemein­sam­kei­ten von unter­schied­li­chen Pro­gramm­hal­tern, gegen­sei­ti­ge Aner­ken­nung und die Zusam­men­ar­beit der Pro­gramm­hal­ter auf euro­päi­scher Ebe­ne wis­sen wollen

Ach­tung: Webi­nar­spra­che ist Englisch


offi­cial regis­tra­ti­on has been clo­sed. Plea­se con­ta­ct info@ibu-epd.com if you would like to join.