Con­fir­ma­tion of the IBU Pres­i­dent and Elec­tion of Board Members

At this year’s IBU Gen­er­al Meet­ing, held on 30 May 2017, IBU mem­bers unan­i­mous­ly re-elect­ed Pro­fes­sor Horst Bossen­may­er to a sixth term as Pres­i­dent of the Insti­tut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. The Board thanked Pro­fes­sor Bossen­may­er for his untir­ing ded­i­ca­tion to the IBU programme.

IBU mem­bers also elect­ed a new Board of Direc­tors. All board mem­bers from the past term of office (2015–2017) were re-elect­ed, there­by affirm­ing the con­fi­dence placed in them and man­dat­ing them, for the next two years, to con­tin­ue their com­mit­ment to the task of fur­ther­ing the objec­tives of the IBU. With the elec­tion of Moritz Büh­n­er (Fritz Egger) and Prof. Josef Steret­zed­er of the Lind­ner Group, an addi­tion­al two new can­di­dates were vot­ed onto the Board. Anoth­er new­com­er is Anemon Strohmey­er from VHI, who suc­ceed­ed Dr Peter Sauer­wein as Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of the VHI. Due to the per­son­nel changes at VHI, Dr Sauer­wein did not run for a posi­tion on the Board.

In a non-pub­lic vote, the Board re-elect­ed Hans Peter (Mein Ziegel­haus) as Chair­man and Dr Roman Rupp (Deutsche Rock­wool) as Vice-Chairman.

As dur­ing the last term of office, the elect­ed board mem­bers expressed their desire for col­lab­o­ra­tion with Dr Berthold Schäfer, who was appoint­ed a co-opt­ed mem­ber of the Board.

Cur­rent mem­bers of the IBU Board of Direc­tors are:blank

Hans Peters  — Vor­standsvor­sitzen­der  — (Mein Ziegelhaus)
Dr. Roman Rupp –stel­lv. Vor­standsvor­sitzen­der  — (Deutsche Rockwool)
Moritz Büh­n­er (Fritz EGGER)
Dr. Thomas Fehlhaber (Uni­por)
Mar­tin Glöck­n­er (Deutsche Bauchemie)
Dr. Bern­hard Hauke (bau­fo­rum­stahl)
Dieter Heller (Bun­desver­band Leichtbeton)
Frank Neu­mann (Rheinzink)
Hol­ger Ortleb (Bun­desver­band der Gipsindustrie)
Dr. Berthold Schäfer  — koop­tiertes Mit­glied — (Bun­desver­band Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V.)
Prof.  Josef Steret­zed­er (Lind­ner)
Anemon Strohmey­er (VHI Ver­band der dt. Holzwerkstoffindustrie)
Dr. Edmund Vankann (GUT Gemein­schaft Umwelt­fre­undlich­er Tep­pich­bo­den e.V.)
Bodo Veit (Eternit/Etex Group)
Dr. Hart­mut Walther (Xel­la)

In accor­dance with IBU bylaws, the Board is an impar­tial body, to be elect­ed by IBU mem­bers bi-annu­al­ly at the Gen­er­al Meet­ing. The Board is respon­si­ble for the strate­gic ori­en­ta­tion of the IBU and for tak­ing deci­sions on fun­da­men­tal matters.

The IBU Berlin office and the mem­bers of the IBU warm­ly con­grat­u­late all board mem­bers, along with recon­firmed IBU Pres­i­dent Pro­fes­sor Bossen­may­er, and look for­ward to the con­tin­u­ing active expan­sion of the IBU.

Pho­tos of the AGM can be found here.